Order Now
Please complete your details in the form below and select whether you would like to order a signed and inscribed copy of the book Highlights & Footlights and/or one or a number of your favourite photographs printed and mounted.
Highlights & Footlights - (hard cover book)
Individual (signed) "Satin finish" photographic prints:
Individual (signed) prints, printed on Canvas:
Shipping Costs:
Shipping of HIghlights & Footlights Book
Shipping of prints:
Order Form:
R 295.00
30 X 40 = R180.00
40 x 60 = R210.00
30 X 40 = R250.00
40 x 60 = R320.00
To any location within South Africa - R92.85
Via the Post Office's 'Counter to Counter'
Speed Services Courier (overnight)
To any location outside South Africa - price on application
Prints can either be mounted or shipped in a
cardboard tube - price on application